Future that Smiles

Where the Epic Journey of
Learning Begins
Why Kloudkids?
As parents we must remember that our children need due attention. Young children are like sponges who quickly absorb everything. The early learners have a better grasping capacity and eager to learn new things. Proper routine and discipline, is important as it impacts them in the long run.
There is no defined way of dealing with children. Every kid’s learning pattern is different, and every kid requires different amount of time to understand something.
KloudKids is a comprehensive technique to give children the best start to their journey of early learning in the prime age bracket of zero to seven years which is the best window of opportunity, when 85% of brain development takes place.

We’re on a mission to give kids the best start to their learning journey

Kloudkids along with teachers who are well-trained to understand a kid’s learning graph, have mapped regular preschool curriculum to pre-recorded high defination lesson video with use of animation, mixed with variety of extracurricular activities and general knowledge that is quite engaging, easy to understand and help the child to learn at self-paced & remember better…. boosting of confidence is guaranteed!
Kloudkids guides children through this pivotal time as they build their skills and deepen their learning journey, teaching them the right skills at the right time, Partnering with parents to provide the support that all children need, considering kid’s learning graph with modulated teaching method accordingly

KloudKids nurture overall growth of your child

Soft Skills
Social Skills
Emotional Skills
Motor Skills
Rhythmic Skills
Communication Skills


Our Qualified Teachers who are guiding the children towards a brighter future

Munira Dohadwala
Head Co-Ordinator & Counsellor
Madhuri Sapte

Zeenat Haq
Aditi Mathur

Ayesha Khan